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Ever since,nike air max 90, at the call of Oolong Palace, the major overseas comprehension sector giant gang leader, were brought together to discuss countermeasures. Of course, the summit overseas comprehension community and not invited to participate in the Yu family patriarch, after all, largely Zhao Yan, Yu family with close ties categorically half points will not be a threat, on the contrary, there may be a profit, became the darling of overseas comprehension community. This time of the summit, which lasted several months, in Ao nameless fierce rhetoric, major gang leader giants, most of them are unified opinion.

It seems that the major gang leader,nike air max 95, Zhao Yan now exists, is a huge threat, and the most profitable direct gangs, as if about to belong to the family of birds ! Therefore, the elimination of the Yu family, from the great level, the behavior is a threat to stifle in the cradle of ! After all, in case of Zhao Yan strong comeback from Dragon Soul cemetery, together with the forces that are not weak Yu family, it is likely it will dominate the entire overseas comprehension community. Once the Yu family wiped out, so Zhao Yan was isolated for a strong people, very often, nothing good will not go for a generalities post gangs, their roots, find the perpetrators.

And a hundred years, for repair are concerned, is not a negligible time, it is likely true to that time, Zhao Yan Yu family has long been forgotten will not necessarily. Of course, even nike air max 2014 still remember Yu family, and single-minded to want revenge for the Yu family, then the major sects overseas comprehension sector, will be like good as the original agreement, in force, under the command of its fight against Zhao Yan Lung the soul of the army ! While overseas comprehension saver expert circles, stacked together, not too much.

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